Tracking Number

Business License


9301 Lake Forest Blvd Ste 113



A listing of the key features of the license. To print this information, use the button below.

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Dessert Shop/Bakery

Name Value
LA General Sales Tax Number
Associated Permit Number
Is Home-based False
Legal Entity LLC
Tax Status For Profit
State of Incorporation Louisiana (Domestic)
Opening Date 10/01/2024
Confirm Business Legal Name Nola Sweet Tooth Fairy
Is this an existing business that's moving? False
Is this an existing business that's changing type of business False
Is this an existing business that's changing legal type of ownership? False
Is this an existing business that's only changing owners or operators? False
Is/was there a different business operating at this address? No
Will your trade name be different from your legal name? False
Is this a hotel/B&B/rooming house/nursing home? False
Is this a chain store? False
Is this for a CPNC? False
Will this business offer video poker? False
Wholesale Sales False
Retail Sales False
Services True
Restaurant/Bar False
Status Information
Name Complete Date
Application Filed Yes 9/6/2024 10:50:20 PM
Application Review Yes 9/13/2024 10:37:28 AM
Zoning Application Review Yes 10/28/2024 10:12:36 AM
Approved Yes 10/28/2024 3:57:16 PM
Issued No
Reminder to Submit Amended Occupational License No
Temporary Occupational License Expiration No
Expired No
Type Amount Paid
Temporary Occupational License Fee $50.00 No
Division Status Reviewer
Business License Intake Complete Roderick Leslie
Zoning - Occupational Licenses Complete Roderick Leslie
Department of Sanitation Complete Jolene G Gettridge
Revenue Occ Lic Approved Alnita Brown
Type Date Status Inspection Items
Zoning 9/13/2024 11:15:00 AM Scheduled
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