LA General Sales Tax Number |
Associated Permit Number |
Is Home-based |
False |
Legal Entity |
Tax Status |
For Profit |
State of Incorporation |
Any other State (Foreign) |
Opening Date |
09/15/2024 |
Confirm Business Legal Name |
Seaton-Stewart Restaurant Group |
Name of Previous Business at this Address |
Nola Caye |
Date Previous Business Closed |
12/24/2023 |
Business Trade Name |
Willie Mae's NOLA |
Is this an existing business that's moving? |
False |
Is this an existing business that's changing type of business |
False |
Is this an existing business that's changing legal type of ownership? |
False |
Is this an existing business that's only changing owners or operators? |
False |
Is/was there a different business operating at this address? |
Yes, closed |
Will your trade name be different from your legal name? |
True |
Is this a hotel/B&B/rooming house/nursing home? |
False |
Is this a chain store? |
False |
Is this for a CPNC? |
False |
Will this business offer video poker? |
False |
Wholesale Sales |
False |
Retail Sales |
False |
Services |
False |
Restaurant/Bar |
True |
Other |