Historical Data | Open | Mechanical comments:
1. Your mechanical plans as submitted do not bear LA Registered Mechanical Engineers wet seal designating him as the professional of record as required per Section 106.1.1, IBC 2006, New Orleans Amendments. Please submit revised drawings for our review. |
Historical Data | Open | Professional Engineer: Morgan M. Watson.
1- Approval from the State Fire Marshal is required. Please contact the State Fire Marshal’s office at 8181 Independence Boulevard, Baton Rouge, LA 70806, Ph. (225) 925-4920 800-256-5452.
2. Plans shall be approved by Orleans Parish Sanitarian Services, Department of Health and Hospitals at 1010 Common Street, Rm. 750, New Orleans, LA 70112. Please contact Gwendolyn Shook at (504)838-5140
3- Exterior signs require separate permits. Please comply.
4- Every Sheet shall be signed and contain a live seal of the Architect or Civil Engineer in accordance with Section 106.1 IBC 2006 as amended by the City of New Orleans. Ref: Sheets # S1, S2, S3, S4.
5- Provide site plan indicating distances from all exterior walls to the property line in accordance with Section 106.2 of IBC 2006.
6 - Provide a soil boring or pile load test to verify the foundation design in accordance with the International Building Code 2006 ed. Section 1812.4.2 as amended by the City of New Orleans.
7- Please clarify the age group and the hours of operations for the facility and the exact group occupancy classification for the facility.
8- Verify that proposed awnings structures construction and design be able to withstand a wind pressure of 130 mph in accordance with Section 1609 of IBC 2006.
9- Commercial cooking equipment and commercial hood and duct system shall be installed in accordance with Section 904.11 and Section 904.2 of IBC 2006. Please comply.
10- Aisles serving as a portion of the exit access in the means of egress system shall comply with the requirements of Section1014.4 of IBC 2006.
11- Signs stating the maximum occupant content shall be conspicuously posted in each area of assembly, or room used for a similar purpose. Signs shall comply with The International Building Code 2006 ed., Arts. 1004.3.
12- Individual glazed areas in hazardous locations shall meet the requirement of Section 2406 for Safety Glazing. International Building code 2006.ed. |
Historical Data | Open | Professional Engineer: Morgan M. Watson.
1. Plans shall be approved by Orleans Parish Sanitarian Services, Department of Health and Hospitals at 1010 Common Street, Rm. 750, New Orleans, LA 70112. Please contact Gwendolyn Shook at (504)838-5140 |
Historical Data | Open | Mechanical comments:
Please refer Sheets M-1.2 / M-1.3:
1. Your Air Handling Unit Schedule does not indicate heating load in btuh, which should be close to cooling load. Please check your heating loads as stated in kw satisfies your required heating loads.
2. Your cooling load capacities for CU units are generally 25% higher than the AHU units, they serve. Your condensing unit schedule should reflect this. Please verify.
3. Your mechanical plans do not indicate details of construction documents. Please submit locational, installation details for AHUs, indicating condensate disposal systems, duct construction with duct support details, insulation details, all meeting related sections / subsections, chapters 3 and 6, IMC 2006, location of smoke detectors, thermostats, duct fire dampers(with specifications such as class, type, fire ratings with respect to fire rated walls), locations for fresh air inlets and exhaust terminations meeting requirements per related sections / subsections, Chapter 4, IMC 2006.
4. Please indicate location of water service main and meter and clean outs for building drain and connection point for building drain
and sewer drain for clarity. |
Historical Data | Open | Professional Engineer: Morgan M. Watson.Kerwin E. Julien SR.
3- Due to expiration of State Fire Marshal approval. Provide new State of Fire Marshal approval. Approval from the State Fire Marshal is required. Please contact the State Fire Marshal’s office at 8181 Independence Boulevard, Baton Rouge, LA 70806, Ph. (225) 925-4920 800-256-5452.
13- Projections on public property require approval from the Department of Property Management. Please contact Mr. Ed Mazoue at (504) 658-3615. Ref: Exit doors, awnings. |
Historical Data | Open | Professional Engineer: Kerwin E. Julien SR. (Morgan M. Watson).
1- Provide a letter stating the new professional of record for this project 08com-00841.
2- Provide two complete set of drawing for this project. Every Sheet shall contain live seal and signed by a Louisiana registered Architect or Professional Civil Engineer in accordance with Section 106.1 IBC 2006 as amended by the City of New Orleans. All sheets must display the permit application number.
3- Due to expiration of State Fire Marshal. Provide new State of Fire Marshal approval. Approval from the State Fire Marshal is required. Please contact the State Fire Marshal’s office at 8181 Independence Boulevard, Baton Rouge, LA 70806, Ph. (225) 925-4920 800-256-5452.
4. Plans shall be approved by Orleans Parish Sanitarian Services, Department of Health and Hospitals at 1010 Common Street, Rm. 750, New Orleans, LA 70112. Please contact Gwendolyn Shook at (504)838-5140
5- Exterior signs require separate permits. Please comply.
6- Every Sheet shall be signed and contain a live seal of the Architect or Civil Engineer in accordance with Section 106.1 IBC 2006 as amended by the City of New Orleans. Ref: Sheets # S1, S2, S3, S4.
7- Provide site plan indicating distances from all exterior walls to the property line in accordance with Section 106.2 of IBC 2006. Provide two complete set of drawing for this project. Every Sheet shall contain live seal and signed by a Louisiana registered Architect or Professional Civil Engineer in accordance with Section 106.1 IBC 2006
8 - Provide a soil boring or pile load test to verify the foundation design in accordance with the International Building Code 2006 ed. Section 1812.4.2 as amended by the City of New Orleans.
9- Please clarify the age group and the hours of operations for the facility and the exact group occupancy classification for the facility.
10- Verify that proposed awnings structures construction and design be able to withstand a wind pressure of 130 mph in accordance with Section 1609 of IBC 2006.
11- Commercial cooking equipment and commercial hood and duct system shall be installed in accordance with Section 904.11 and Section 904.2 of IBC 2006. Please comply.
12- Aisles serving as a portion of the exit access in the means of egress system shall comply with the requirements of Section1014.4 of IBC 2006.
13- Signs stating the maximum occupant content shall be conspicuously posted in each area of assembly, or room used for a similar purpose. Signs shall comply with The International Building Code 2006 ed., Arts. 1004.3.
14- Individual glazed areas in hazardous locations shall meet the requirement of Section 2406 for Safety Glazing. International Building code 2006.ed. |
Historical Data | Open | 1) Plot Plan Required: A drawing which clearly indicates the lot
dimensions, all buildings on the lot with dimensions and
setbacks from the property lines; location and dimensions of
all parking spaces.
2) Please provide a clarification and explaination of propsoed uses.
3) If proposed horizontal sunshades extend over the City Right-of-Way, a lease of servitute is required from the Department of Property Management, Division of Real-Estate and Records. |
Historical Data | Open | FAMILY CENTER OF HOPE ---BASSAM ROSSI MEKARI--GAVE FILE & PLANS TO ANOUAR---Wednesday, May 21, 2008
1. Please check and confirm that a 125-volt, single-phase, 15- or 20-ampere-rated receptacle outlet will be installed at an accessible location for the servicing of heating, air-conditioning, and refrigeration equipment as per NEC-2005 Article 210.63 and shall have GFCI Protection as per NEC article 210.8 [B]-5.
Please note that Article 210.63 NEC-2005 is expanded from applying to only equipment installed on rooftop to now applying to any location where HACR equipment is installed, including all outdoor locations. [ Plan E2.1 ] |